Diablo 2 what is deadly strike
Diablo 2 what is deadly strike

diablo 2 what is deadly strike diablo 2 what is deadly strike

  • If the area around your target is dangerous or making it difficulty to select a specific mob, short-hop with leap by clicking directly on top of your Character to spread out mobs and Stun them.
  • If the target is not killed by the first attack, swap to berserk to finish them off.
  • Use leapattack to target Elites and move your Barbarian into attack range.
  • Repair to replenish these Charges or use the Horadric Cube Recipe if Gold is low ( ortrune + Any Chipped Gem). If you have an item with Teleport, use Teleport for short-distance traveling when farming Super Uniques such as Pindleskin. Unless there are walls, this will be faster than running in most circumstances.
  • Use leapattack to quickly travel to your farming spot.
  • Refresh these buffs as soon as they expire (approx.
  • At the beginning of each run, swap to your +x to Skills equipment and cast Battle Command 2 times, and then Battle Orders.
  • Increased Speed * passively grants Faster Run/Walk based on its Level.ġ8% Chance to cast level 18 Taunt on strikingĭeath's Guard (Upped, 2-Piece Death's Set) Natural Resistance * passively increases All Resistances based on its Skill Level. It is most effective against Act Bosses.īlade Mastery/ axeMastery/ maceMastery * passively grants a percentage boost to Damage, Attack Rating, and Critical Strike (chance to deal double damage) while attacking with Sword/Dagger OR Axe OR Mace Class weapons. Your Barbarian's Magic Find stat is taken into account when using this ability.īattle Orders * is a temporary buff that grants a significant percentage boost to the Maximum Life, Mana, and Stamina of all partied Characters, Mercenaries, and minions within its cast radius.īattle Command * is a temporary buff that grants +1 to All Skills to all partied Characters, Mercenaries, and minions within its cast radius.īattle Cry * is an Optional Skill that temporarily reduces nearby enemy Damage and Defense. The % chance is based on the Skill's Level.

    diablo 2 what is deadly strike

    Find Item * gives you a second chance at receiving loot when used on a monster's corpse.

    Diablo 2 what is deadly strike